Author: roarmediapr

Roarrr Media - Articles by: roarmediapr
Think about Marketing

The Lock-down Period Is the Right Time to Think About Marketing

You may want to remind me here that the economy is severely hit and so are businesses and that this is the time to cut out all expenses. But remember, in order to revive your business again, you’ll need to rebuild customers and you cannot enforce your sales pitches to them, without creating a need […]

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Public Relations Roarrr Media

Public Relations- A Vital Marketing Tool for your Business

“Until the lion learns to speak or write, every story will glorify the hunter”, says an African Proverb. Consider the case of the world’s topmost brands; each has been a classic outcome of excellent story telling. Marketing is all about story-telling and all that matters is how well do we tell the story, to whom […]

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Business Blog Roarrr Media

What does technological advancement have in store for PR?

The previous decade has seen a massive integration of communication services with technology. Paired with the social media boom, corporations and businesses have gained access to gigabytes of data per person. All these data have serious implications from a publicist’s standpoint. Moving on from days when the primary source of communicating with a media house […]

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PR Roarrr Media

Why should brands opt for a PR agency?

How are you managing the reputation of your company? Do people know about your brand? Struggling to answer the question? I will strongly recommend you to opt for a PR agency. How does PR work for a brand?  Why brands should choose PR over paid advertisements?  Public relations are different from advertising, as you tell […]

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Influencer Marketing Roarrr Media

Influencer Marketing: A new parallel of PR

Word-of-mouth is probably the most ancient weapon a PR professional has in their arsenal. In the modern era, with the emergence of social media, a new updated version of word-of-mouth called: “Influencer Marketing” has surfaced in the realm of digital PR. Social media influencers have fundamentally impacted the role of a publicist when it comes […]

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